4 awesome tricks that will help your home interior look bigger
First of all, being stuck in any space for a long while will make any such space appear cramped and small. Needless to say, once all of this is over, we’ll want to redecorate our respective apartments and homes, just the make living that much bearable. Keeping all of this in mind, this whole self-isolation business is especially hard for the folks who live in already small spaces. At some point, even the biggest home can start looking like a prison cell, let alone a small one. So in this post, we will talk about how to make a small space look bigger and how to make any overall claustrophobic environment look more open.
1. Less is more
When you want to design the interior of a small house it is good to keep in mind that it should be efficient above everything. Although I myself am a maximalist in the very core of my being, I have to say that one of the guidelines when designing a small house should be “less Is more”. That, of course, doesn’t mean that you should strip your house of its bare essentials. It means that you should choose just a few most important and inspiring objects and display them.
2. Light colors
Go for lighter, neutral floor colors. This will eliminate the risk of your space looking overburdened or closed. A table with a glass top will do the same thing and so will the clear white walls. Make sure to add some greenery here and there or some splash of color, so that your home interior doesn’t end up looking cold and foreign.
3. Smart furniture
You should also invest in some smaller, but smart furniture. For example, go for a cushioned bench or a settee instead of a colorful overstuffed sofa. Once you’ve acquired some nice furniture keep it away from the walls and if you like rugs and you just have to add one, go for the biggest one you can find. All of this will make your home interior look more inviting and create the illusion of openness.
4. Mirror, mirror on the wall
The carefully placed mirror will create a sense of openness and vastness. Mirror reflects both light and the view and by doing so it tricks the eye into perceiving more space… That was me, being scientific and all that jazz. What I actually want to say is that aside from letting your mirror being an ultimate trickster, you can also play with it as much as you like. Frame it in colorful mosaic borders and sparkle, choose a fancy heart-shaped mirror with neon lights or get your grandmas old one from the attic and rearrange it yourself. Go crazy! Not the evil stepmom crazy, just stylishly crazy I mean.
So, those were some major changes you can apply to make your small apartment seem bigger. The following are some easy and swift tricks, so we will just call them — honorable mentions:
- Make your furniture legs visible (be flirtatious, show some legs).
- Ditch the heavy drapes and wall-to-wall rugs (some nudity never killed anybody.
- Create a clear pathway to the doors.
- Emphasize all of the vertical and horizontal lines (not by creating a geometrical pattern, but by emphasizing the vertical and horizontal separately).