Amazing Budget-friendly Wall Decoration Techniques
When we think about original and beautiful walls, we usually think about huge expenses that such walls require. Hiring a paint crew and paying for the material and services can substantially set back your budget. In the end, the results are usually good but not exactly what you wanted, and after a while, you get tired of the wall decoration for which you paid such a hefty bill.
However, it doesn’t have to be like that. There is some truly amazing wall decorating techniques that require very little money and minimal effort from your part. The results are usually very satisfying, especially considering the fact that you’ve invested your own talent and work. Instead of being expensive but mediocre, your walls end up being original and uplifting. In this post, we will take a closer look at just a few of these wall decoration ideas and hopefully, we will inspire you to try one of them for yourself.
Sponging will probably take you way back to elementary school days when your local teacher taught you the basics of Chinese ink painting… Now that I think about it, maybe I just had an awesome teacher, but hopefully, you know what I’m talking about. The simple technique of creating beautiful patterns by pressing the pigment-saturated sponge onto the hammer paper comes handy with wall-painting as well. You can opt for sponge-roller or just common bathroom sponges. I am a bigger fan of the latter because you have much more control over the whole process.
Rag rolling is exactly what it sounds like. It involves rolling a rag soaked in color onto the surface you are coloring. It sounds fairly simple, but it isn’t exactly effortless. However, the results are ethereal-looking walls, that will immediately capture the attention of any visitor. This particular technique is especially good if you are going for seamless wall decoration. It is subtle enough to fit into any aesthetic design you had in mind.
Two similar budget-friendly wall decoration methods, that are getting a rise in popularity in recent years, are the stenciling or stamping techniques. Both of these involve repeating a motif over and over, but by using somewhat different methods. With stenciling, you use stencils, which you either made by yourself or bought at a local craft shop. Stamping requires the usage of a 3D stamp, which is soaked in paint and then pressed onto the wall.
We can’t chat about budget-friendly wall decoration without mentioning the color washing technique. This technique is a bit more demanding than the previous three, but the effect is breathtaking, so it’s worth the effort. You should first coat the walls by using the satin base wall paint and then paint a nice glaze over it by using a large brush. The result is breathtaking. The color washing technique adds depth and texture to a space, so it looks dynamic and fresh.
Last, but not least, you can always opt for a handmade mosaic. It might take a bit more time, but if you give it enough attention, the effect can be astounding. You can use a wide variety of materials, but tiles and glass are most commonly used, as they are also easy to clean. Furthermore, creating a mosaic will have a therapeutic effect on your overall mental state. You will get an awesome wall and avoid going to the therapist — truly a win-win situation.
Paying a professional to paint some decoration murals or other custom designs is fairly simple. You will save some time and your wallet will get considerably thinner. If, however, you opt to paint your walls by yourself, you might lose some time, but the final effect and satisfaction you’ll feel will be totally worth it.
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