“Mosaic and Mosaic-Like: A Contemporary Art Exhibit” is just what the world needed to start this 2023 properly. This grand biennale showcases some of the best New Mexico mosaic artists in sculpture, painting, fiber art, glass, beadwork, and mixed media. The exhibit will take place at Fusion through April 2. The marvelous show features 17 established artists with over 90 works of art.
One of the artists behind the exhibit is Rio Rancho’s famous mosaicist Patricia Halloran, who retired just recently due to some health issues. Patricia Halloran has a decade-long mosaic experience, mostly focusing on outdoor mosaic sculpture. She is also a co-founder of Mosaic New Mexico, which boasts close to three dozen talented members.
One of Patricia Halloran’s most notable works is “Golden Toad Mother Spirit” which she created as a monument to this remarkable species, extinct because of climate change. Sending important messages and making statements through art was always a big part of New Mexico mosaicists, and this exhibition is no different.
One of many notable mosaicists presenting was Holly Kuehn, known for her bright and colorful mosaic artworks. Kuehn has been dabbling in various art forms and thrived in all of them. Pen and charcoal drawing, oil painting, paper-mache sculpture, batik, and woodwork were all successfully conquered by the prolific artist. However, mosaic artwork seems to be the crown of her artistic efforts at the moment. For this contemporary mosaic art exhibit, she created “Continuity”, by using ceramic tiles and a telephone cord. This intricate piece is a metaphorical approach to her religious beliefs and spirituality.
Theresa Chasman is one of the freshest talents of the exhibit, but she already has a variety of great artworks under her belt. Once she finished her apprenticeship with Scottish Stained Glass, she worked as a builder and restorer, while exploring creative techniques through her art pieces. Today she creates, restores, and repairs stained glass panels, mirrors, and lamps in her own studio. For this exhibit Santa Fe artist created the “Green Honeycomb”, using hexagon-shaped glass.
Larry Schulte’s colorful life is truly reflected in his vibrant artwork. Once a math teacher and a coach, today Larry Schulte is a renowned artist focused on the particular art of woven painted paper..he has created in a variety of other media including printmaking, woven photos, and collage, but the woven painted paper is where his true love is. He has also managed to intertwine his love of mathematics into his artwork, so Fibonacci Sequence is often on the basis of his artworks.
Eminent Placitas artist, Laura Robbins, fell in love with mosaic art through the work of famous Spanish architect and mosaicist Antoni Gaudi. Growing up in New York, she frequently visited art museums and exhibitions, while art books were an essential part of her home library. Today, she enjoys the freedom of creating mosaic art herself and she is one of the most respected masters of the mosaic craft. She created “Mother’s Wash Day Prayer Flags” artwork for her grandchildren, using clay and glass.
Other featured distinguished artists include Betty Busby, Erika Harding, Maria Jonsson, Terri Lagerway, Caroline Leblanc, Lynx Lightning, Rudy J. Miera, Vivienne Riggio, Laura Robbins, Judith Roderick, Cassandra Shaw, Cirrelda Snider-Bryan, and Terry Storch. All of these artists created artworks to celebrate mosaic and mosaic-like art through this glorious and truly powerful exhibition.