Behold — our 2021 marvelous mosaic artworks bestsellers!
So, now that the Christmas holidays are over and the new year is right around the corner it’s a perfect time, to sum up, everything we’ve done well this year. Believe it or not, us, you, your neighbor with a noisy car, your cousin who lost his job, your local store cashier and her pink chewing gum, even that angry dog that seemingly wants to tear you apart during your morning jog — we’ve all done well this year… All things considered.
Pandemic worked hard against us, lockdowns were active yet again, anti-vaxxers did their job dutifully, and occasional political disasters threatened to change the map of the world itself. But we’ve prevailed. And trust me — it’s something to be proud about. Not in a condescending way, more in an “I’m proud of you world” type of way. (*attention — holiday spirit in high function mode)
This year we’ve discovered one pretty awesome thing about art here at Mosaics Lab. Art doesn’t need Pfizer, or Moderna, or (God forbid!) ivermectin. Art is immune to covid, just like it was immune to the pandemics that came before it. Art is a cure for the soul and people haven’t forgotten about it during this two-year-long struggle.
This year was the year of fight and perseverance, but it was also the year of some terrific mosaic artwork. Our talented mosaicists worked hard to treat you with some of their best art and their efforts didn’t go unnoticed.
From some of the loveliest floral mosaic artwork, through magnificent mosaic art recreations of famous masterpieces, to some powerful depictions of glorious members of wild fauna, 2021 was truly the year of both hard work and inspiration for the world of mosaic art.
These fabulous mosaic artwork you get to feast your eyes on throughout this article are just some of our most successful bestsellers. All handmade from the highest quality materials, all original and unique in their own respective ways, these fine mosaic art masterpieces are just a small part of our vast selection of mosaics.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our mosaic art as much as we’ve enjoyed creating them for you and we hope that 2022 brings us all even more beautiful and inspiring mosaic artwork and more beauty and joy in general.