Autumn is a timeless subject in the world of art. Although it was painted, photographed, and written about millions of times, it remains mysterious and partly out of reach. However, that doesn’t stop or discourage new artists from trying to grasp its essence every year. Some of the most prominent and persistent among those adventurous dreamers are mosaic artists.
This stunning mosaic was created by one of our most versatile mosaicists, Angelo Fabbri. His impeccable use of soft and muted tones of yellow on one side of the artwork and its slow transition into bold red tones on the other perfectly symbolizes the fickle, but mesmerizing nature of the autumn itself. Fall Mosaic Artworks by Mosaics Lab.
Nothing says autumn quite like some rubber boots and a stormy day, and Haith Dani knows it. This fabulous mosaic artwork is a study of autumn and elegance. Autumn Mosaic Mural by Mosaics Lab.
Its delightfully warm shades of yellow, brown, green, and fiery red, served as an inspiration for generations of artists. It is the only season through which nature changes so significantly until it’s finally bare and ready to be dressed in white. From eloquent allegories to vivid landscapes, from the innovative Renaissance to evolutionary Modern art, autumn as a topic has been used endless times. Popular themes in art come and go, but with autumn that sense of overuse never came and likely never will. This glorious season simply has too many faces for something like that to happen.
The way Lorenzo De Rosso managed to oppose the youth of stag to the unrelenting coming of autumn, but also make it part of the same cycle by using the shade of the same strong red, makes this amazing mosaic a masterpiece. Fall Mosaic Wall Art by Mosaics Lab.
This amazing mosaic reproduction of Vincent van Gogh’s Harvest at La Crau, with Montmajour in the background was created by Lorenzo de Rosso. It is a perfect example of how versatile of a topic autumn really is in all art forms. Autumn Mosaic Mural by Mosaics Lab.
These are some of the most stunning mosaics of autumn from our catalog. There are plenty more where these came from, but this article can only be so long. Just like all artists through history, our talented mosaicists have been heavily inspired by this moody, but gorgeous season. From rainy city streets to sleepy country landscapes, autumn is one of the most prevailing topics in our fabulous catalog of mosaic artworks.
Angelo Fabbri used tones of strong orange and yellow, as well as subdued tones of gray and black, to weave this tale of how unruly autumn nature coexists with orderly civilization in harmony, making this mosaic one of the most beautiful in our collection. Fall Mosaic Mural by Mosaics Lab.
Seemingly created of sharp lines and blurs of colors, this charming mosaic composition is designed and created by one of our finest mosaicists, Sara Stevenson. Her use of the same patterns of yellow and orange gives this houseboat and its driver a certain air of mystery and evasiveness making this gorgeous mosaic even more appealing. Fall Mosaic Wall Art by Mosaics Lab.
This masterpiece of contrast and wonder was created by the masterful hands of Sara Stevenson. The fiery colors of the autumn forest and the fruits of spring on the beautiful stag’s antlers are a perfect example of how art brings everything and everyone together. Fall Mosaic Art by Mosaics Lab.
With its vivid colors, smell of petrichor in the air, and strong symbolism of change and transience, autumn will always be the muse of many artists. This selection of some of our best autumnal mosaic artworks is perfect for bringing this cozy, golden season into your home and life.
This article was originally published on Mosaics Lab’s website.
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