Exploring The Symbolism of Flowers in Mosaic Art
The unique language of flowers has been around for centuries. Different flowers have different meanings recognized through art, mythology, and the folklore of every civilization throughout human history. Whether you are gifting a bouquet to your loved one or acquiring an eternal floral mosaic for your accent wall, you are always able to convey any sentiment imaginable with flowers.
Although flower symbolism was seemingly always around, learning and following it became very popular during the 1800s. Every respectable homeowner had two things in their household, a Bible, and a flower symbolism guidebook. Following the silent protocol of the sturdy Victorian-era etiquette was of utmost importance at the time.
In a sort of non-spoken dialogue flowers were used to send any type of message. From answering “yes” or “no” questions, to conveying more complicated thoughts and wishes, flowers were truly leading the dialogue at the time. People were using begonias to warn someone, belladonnas to tell them to shut up, and camellias to tell them they were hot. Ahhh. it was a simpler, and yet more complicated time…
Some symbolism is still well known these days, but much of it was lost over the years. For example, people still often pick lilies for funerals, and red roses to tell someone they love them. However, you would have a hard time finding someone who knows that tansy would mean declaring war or that marigold means jealousy.
Needless to say, flowers are still one of the most popular topics in art in general. Whether you have a reproduction of van Gogh’s Almond Blossoms on your living room wall or one of Anna Atkins’s originals in your entryway, flowers still carry different meanings behind them, and knowing and playing with them through art can be quite fun.
Flowers were also always a fine challenge for mosaicists. Just the thought of the sheer intricacy of building something that is already so stunningly complex on its own can seem scary to inexperienced mosaic artists. However, when done right, floral mosaic becomes a uniquely glorious masterpiece wherever you put it.
Our catalog features a large variety of floral mosaic artworks and each is a gorgeous ode to the elegance and beauty of nature’s most gentle creations. If you are looking for a perfect flower to embellish your space without having to water or trim it, our mosaics are exactly what you need. *wink wink
This article was originally published on Mosaics Lab’s website.