My top 5 Interior design popular opinions I wish would disappear

Mosaics Lab
5 min readSep 9, 2020


Most of my favorite YouTuber commentary channels have their own Top 5 or 10 unpopular opinions on this and that. People like drama and unpopular opinions are always sure to start a debate. The mere fact that they are unpopular tells you all you need to know. People are bound to disagree and argue, and although that can sometimes lead to some really constructive conversations and some drama.

That got me thinking, are we over here at the interior design stratosphere of the internet really all that cultured and refined as we present ourselves to be, or are we too eager for some drama. So I started working on my list, all while arguing with myself and one of my bookish friends on IG. I would throw a conclusion his way and he would try to debunk it and make it sound ridiculous. Once we got to eleven, we stopped. Needless to say, this list here contains 5 that seem to be the most “controversial” ones. So, (*insert gif of the Curtis Conner clapping), let’s start some drama!

1. Minimalism is overrated

I know, I know, it’s good for the energy flow, it declutters your very life, you’re at peace because you are not obsessing over material things, your space looks bigger…I get it, sort of…But most of us like our stuff! We like making a creative mess everywhere, we like colors, we like having a bunch of books on our shelves, we like carpets and drapes, we just do! See, the problem here is that minimalists are just like Jehovah’s witnesses coming to your door to hand you a pamphlet. You never hear me talking about why maximalism is awesome, but you will find something about how minimalism changed someone’s life in almost every corner of the internet. Well, I’m sorry, but if you like your house looking like the waiting room of your dentist’s office, you go for it. Meanwhile, I’ll be over here buying a pink fluffy rug for my yellow living room. Cuz I can! Toodles!

2. We don’t need another celebrity interior decorator

Sure, if you have some undiscovered talents, develop them and spread them around. But let me ask you something Kourtney Kardashian, Ellen Degeneres etc. How about, instead of working with all these huge houses and businesses, you actually start from scratch with some fresh talents that just got their bachelors in interior design and are boiling with original ideas and approaches. Just saying.

3. Scandinavian décor … ugh

I mean, enough with it already?! It’s been ruling the industry for years. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do understand the advantages of it. Scandinavian design is simple, easy to achieve, and quite affordable, but c’mon! It’s been around for ages! Aren’t you tired of all the washed wood and grey hues already?

4. Mirrors can be evil

Un huh. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping and you have a huge-as* mirror in your bedroom — THROW IT OUT. Legend has it that some malevolent spirits from the other realm can suck your soul through the mirror while you are sleeping. On the same note, Bloody Mary. Need I say more?…Mirrors should hang in your hallway and your bathroom and that’s it. You don’t need to look at yourself constantly, it’s not healthy.

5. The all-white aesthetic can go choke on some neon pink and lime green

Feel free to fight me on this one, I won’t budge. Enough with hospital-like living rooms and kitchens. There is nothing pretty there, you know that, right? We should make a club and call it CIGFY (Color Is Good For You). We can be like those PETA fanatics and carry around buckets of red, orange, and blue paint to splash wherever we see a whole-white wall or something. I’m joking, but think about it…

Now go ahead, make it interesting. Feel free to disagree with me in the comments. But make it constructive. After all, we are that one cultured and sophisticated part of the internet. *wink wink

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Mosaics Lab

Written by Mosaics Lab

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