Unpopular opinion: open-concept interiors and rash decisions
Open concepts seem to be all the rage in this self-isolation day and age. A simple room makeover and knocking down a wall or two can really do miracles for your mood, but is it really worth it? You’re not going to rebuild that wall you just demolished afterward, so you better be sure because the open concept is a pretty permanent space “solution”.
Lol. Jeez SOMEONE is passive-aggressive, huh? You can already tell my stance on open spaces just by reading that 3-sentence long intro. Oh well, you know how we roll around here, It’s either honest and on point, or nothing at all. You’re probably wondering: “Why, oh, why doesn’t she like open-concept interiors? Here is my point of view…
First of all, what is the reason for open concept interiors to become all the rage right NOW? Well, people are simply sick and tired of their respective house and apartment interiors. Most of us can’t wait to go outside and walk freely, and that is a perfectly sensible feeling. However, is it sensible to start knocking down walls just because we are eager for some open spaces?
Keep in mind that every wall had a purpose when space was originally built and you bought it like that because that is how you liked it before this whole pandemic started. Some of those walls are doing the not-so-little job of holding up the roof and people call them load-bearing for a reason. Needless to say, you will need a detailed plan on how you’ll replace that essential structural element you now want to remove. This requires a word with an expert, which goes under “additional expenses”, not to mention further costs that the replacement will entail.
One of the major downsides of open concept interiors is also heating. I know the summer is approaching and who cares about the heating right now…Well…You have to think about the future. Unless you have loads of cash to pay some huge heating bills, you better rethink knocking that wall down.
So, you’re still dreaming of open space, huh? Okay. Scratch those two snugly rooms you have. Now subtract 25% (loose estimate) of the feeling of privacy. Done? Now add noise. Yep. You now have just one big room. You can no longer chill alone in a room, you can’t shut the door and shut out unwanted sounds, and on top of all that you are now — cold…lol
If your home is older, did you do the research about what lies underneath your wall? What is it filled, with? What is it painted with? Old newspapers? Lead paint? Asbestos? How about those vintage floorboards you love so much? How will you match everything now that you are missing a 25 cm wide stripe where the wall used to be? Add that to your expenses too.
So, take your time and think about what you’re about to do. Don’t make a rash decision just because you can’t go out at the moment. Once this whole pandemic passes (*holds fingers, prays silently), you want to have fun and enjoy, not regret the decisions you’ve made during the pandemic. If you are hungry for some open spaces and the world in general, add a gorgeous landscape mosaic to your wall. Let that be that one decision you will never regret.