Winter-inspired Mosaic Artworks And Their Healing Power
Mosaic art has always been the best art form for truly depicting a season in all of its glory. The sheer intricacy involved in mosaicing never ceases to impress, especially when it displays something as pointed and encompassing as a whole season and all the joys it brings. On that note, some of our finest mosaic masterpieces perfectly complement the winter vibes, so it would truly be a crime not to talk about them.
Winter is the season when the whole of nature goes into slumber. Depending on your age and social status it can be both joyful and somewhat depressing. For some people, the first things that come to mind when they think of winter are hot chocolate, mittens, and reindeer. In most of the Northern Hemisphere, this tricky season means cold weather, short days, and New Year holidays. However, for some people, the mere mention of winter brings anxious shivers and the thought of the impending doom.
The sudden and uninterrupted whiteness of the outdoors affects your psyche in more ways than one, and not all of them are positive. Those changes in nature often mirror profound changes that go on with your mental state. Once the cheery holiday gatherings are over, people tend to feel sad and empty for no apparent reason. That particular state of winter anxiety and depression is called winter-onset seasonal affective disorder, and although meds are sometimes needed, we are here to help you fight it the best we know how — with mosaic art.
The trick with this particular fight is to do it seamlessly which won’t be too difficult because mosaic art is always intricate, but also seamless in its beauty. Opt for colors that complement the nature outside without bringing its current state into focus. Yes, the ground is white and the sky is bright blue, but so is a foaming sea on a sunny day. Trees are currently heavy with snow, but soon enough it will be heavy with fruit.
Needless to say, winter is the perfect time to gather your forces and recreate your positive thoughts and affirmations with mosaic art. Keep your walls and floor stylish with mosaic art, but also make your art convey a message that will brighten your day and make you think about all of the good things that are soon to come.
This post is brimming with some of our most amazing artworks that can help you battle your winter anxiety. If you have something in particular that makes you smile every time you see it let us know, and together we will turn it into a mosaic masterpiece. Sometimes meds aren’t necessary, sometimes art is all you need.
This article was originally published on Mosaics Lab’s website.